

Drive Green Western Summary

Drive Green Utility Tractor Show - OgdenOur Sales Promotion Coordinator for John Deere in the Reno Branch is Sarah Ruth. She has once again sent in a summary of our show stops way out west.

Ogden and South Jordan, Utah

Our first two events were hosted by Greenline Equipment and supported by their five locations throughout Utah and Idaho. The first event was held at the Weber County Fairgrounds in Ogden, Utah during a week long NCHA (National Cutting Horse Association) event. The second was held at the South Jordan Equestrian Center in South Jordan, Utah. In addition to the Utility Tractors, a showcase of commercial mowing equipment was featured. These two areas also have a large population of equine making the Riata Rake a perfect Frontier implement to use with this lineup of John Deere tractors. Farmers in the Ogden area use our equipment to produce hay, corn silage for dairies as well as wheat.

A special thanks to Lyle Zaugg, Dave Combe, Sandy LoPresti, Jamie Trinchitella and all the employees from Greenline Equipment for their support and contribution to making this event a success.

Grand Junction, Colorado

Our third event was held in Grand Junction, Colorado and hosted by Delta Implement. In addition to producers growing hay and corn, Grand Junction is known for their specialty crops such as peaches, grapes and apples. The John Deere 5 series tractors are most commonly used for harvesting and handling hay, moving snow, and some narrows for the specialty crops in nearby Palisade. Many are also used to maintain LPO properties and around the farm utility tractors.

A special thanks to Marv Meyers and his staff at Delta Implement for their support and contribution to the event.

This was a great opportunity to showcase the Frontier implements in addition to our Utility Tractors. Whether your are a first-time buyer or an experienced operator, our Utility Tractors are easy to operate and deliver excellent torque and usable power without sacrificing fuel economy; providing More Deere for Less Dough. The equipment featured on this caravan is ideal for property owners, part-time producers, traditional producers, livestock operations, commercial landscapers as well as government and municipalities. As you can see, whatever the chore or project, John Deere has a tractor for you to get the job done. We look forward to sharing more information as well as the features and benefits of our new John Deere Utility Tractors at any of our upcoming shows near you. In the meantime, more information about the products featured can be found online at www.deere.com.

Thanks and see you down the highway!

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